Horse Events

Horsing around, fun beyond the riding ring!

In addition to formal instruction, including cross country, dressage, flat work, hunt seat over fences and lunging lessons, Forrestel offers many fun and exciting riding opportunities and horse events!

end of session Award Ceremony

On the last day of every session, campers join together for our closing ceremony where awards are presented to each camper along with a photo of their favorite horse.

Overnight Horseback Trip

One of our most popular riding events is the Overnight Horseback Trip. Many riders have never had the joy of riding out on the trail or taking their horse for a splash in a cool brook. During our overnight, Forrestel campers get to experience nature the old-fashioned way. After dinner in the eating house, a small group of riders and two counselors ride out. When they reach the overnight site, they untack and water their horses. Once the horses are fed, the fire is started. It’s not a real campfire until the marshmallows are outand the s’mores are toasting!

After a night of trading horse secrets and giggling, the kids cook breakfast over a warm campfire and then go on a beautiful trail ride. It’s become tradition to stop by our horse pond and swim on horseback. The “Trail, Tack and Tent Trip” has become a favorite among the kids. Any rider attending a two week session and who we judge to be experienced enough is invited for this unforgettable event.

Painted Horses


Another unique experience offered at Forrestel is our Decorate a Horse Contest. Teams of campers are given a willing horse and a theme to guide their painting and decorating. Past themes have included Disney moviessuper heroes and countries. Entries are revealed in our “Parade of Horses” where a grand champion is selected.

Pony Club Games

All campers have the chance to play pony club games at least once during a two week session. Here are a few of our favorites.

  • Egg and spoon race

  • Forrestel relay race

  • Carrot bobbing

  • Walk trot lead

  • Sack race